
Your farts have been listened. Poopdie is coming to Apple & Tiny Adventures

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Hi guys,
We are happy to announce that Poopdie is coming to iOS. Apple Review Board has seen your tweets and read many articles in media (like this one, Polygon) and decided eventually, that game is not too crude, nor ‘oversaturated’. So… here it is.

Apart from that we want to thank your for thousands of messages and remarks how to improve the poopcrafting experience. Since the release we tried to answer this call and we managed to release updates on almost daily basis.

Today we are changing Poopdie version to “..5” and here is a list of most important things we changed since the initial release:

Black void issue fixed.
Stuck-in-a-wall issue major fix.
Plants are regrowing to allow farming.
Final Boss reworked in many aspects (nerfed, recognizable patterns).
Fixed issues with unresponsive Spikeys.
Pooslug Village nerfed.
Objective markers always point to the right location.
Poop counter shows good number when your friends die.
Tiny Adventures beta (for Android).
Redeem Code functionality to restore lost progress or resources.
Many, many minor fixes.

If you have any remarks regarding Tiny Adventures or you have idea for an interesting feature, please join our Discord or hit us up at If you have some issues, lost your save file please use the same address.

Currently we need to regain some strength so we are switching to Christmas Shutdown. We will be back on 2nd of January 2020. Our plan for January is to add those features:
– Joystick controls
– Cloud save feature

At the same time we will be preparing Tiny Adventure – Grosswold’s Basement and, obviously, Chapter 2: Blind Man from the Swamp.

Hopefully Poopdie will become a game you always wished to play while seated on the ‘porcelain throne’.

Thanks for all your support! May you poopcraft some great miracles this Christmas!

Artur & Szymon, Bulbware

You can wishlist Poopdie for Steam (PC&Mac) here. 😉

Too Poopy for Apple

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Dear gamers,

It is important day in Bulbware’s history as we’re launching our new game with Pewds. Poopdie is officially out today (12-12-19)!

It is available for free download here:


Apple …

Unfortunately  Apple seems to be disgusted by Poopdie and his army of little Troops. Small wormy got rejected and here is answer that we received:
‘[Poopdie has] crude imagery and sound effect which may disgust users.’ so it not complies with Apple guidelines.

We are currently during the appeal to the Apple Review Board and plan to reach a settlement. C’mon Apple! We have received hundreds of iOS users’ requests who are eager to start pooping!

Have a happy Poop Day!

Poopcrafting with Pewds

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Long time no see. Although we have a good explanation as you might know.
We are busy with creating Poopdie with Pewdiepie, and are willing to spill our guts to create best poopcrafting experience possible. This is our second collaboration with Felix (after Bulb Boy), and we are glad that thanks to you we can continue our journey together.

Here is our little reveal teaser just to remind it:

We started to work on Poopdie in March 2017 and we went into development head-on. This time around we decided that our game will be colorful (in Bulb Boy case that was only green) and full of fantasy creatures. We want to keep same kind of humor but utilize different game mechanic.

So you might want to check out tiny sneak peek of encounter with Buttcher demon in the dungeons:

It still little too early to say anything about release, however we want to assure you we don’t want to release the game prematurely.

We are going back to creating monsters, items, shops, quests and weird characters (including some happy poops). We hope you are excited as much as we are!

May light shine upon you,
Szymon & Artur